Webflow website for educational resources

Catalog website of ecological resources

Offering ecologists helpful resources, including tips, stories and academic research.

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Reimaginary needed someone to design and build a website based on a wireframe they had for a book containing hundreds of resources around ecology. The project required filling in design gaps and eventually building out the website using Webflow. With over 200 resources, the website needed to be easy to manage. Additionally, the project was a collaboration with the co-founder and funded by the European Union, adding a layer of complexity and importance to the work.


To address these challenges, I conducted interviews with team members and created a detailed action plan for designing and developing the website. Recognizing the need for a user-friendly experience despite the large number of categories, I crafted a unique filtering system based on the extensive resource catalog. My approach ensured that the website was intuitive and easy to navigate, aligning with the project's goals and wireframe.


The final website was well-received by the target audience, praised for its usability and comprehensive design. For the co-founder, the website became an invaluable tool, leading to new consulting opportunities in her field. The project's success demonstrated the effective collaboration and strategic planning that went into creating a resourceful and engaging platform for ecological resources.

Kelli Rose Pearson, Co-founder at Reimaginary
The website looks fantastic!

Screenshots from project

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