SEO with Webflow: Be the Best Answer

By Mike Miello

Webflow makes beautiful websites.

But businesses care more about sales than looks.

This is where SEO and being discovered come to the discussion table.

Why should you care about SEO or search engine optimization?

The simple answer is that with SEO, people find you, for FREE.

This is way cooler than PAYING for ADS.

I love Webflow SEO because you can become "the best answer" to peoples' questions. If if you're looking to hire a Webflow SEO consultant, this is what we figure out together: to become the answer that sits at the top of search rankings.

So how can you get started with SEO in Webflow?

If you're a Webflow newbie or just want to dip your toes with optimizing your website, let's start with a simple game plan that can guide your SEO content creation activities.

Define your Webflow SEO goal (traffic, sales, awareness)

For SEO to work, you need a goal, a sort of direction if you will.

It's hard to get somewhere if you don't know where you want to go.

Some SEO goals include: 

  • Driving traffic (more visitors)
  • Sales (more sales)
  • Lead generation (more email subscribers for example)
  • Get your site to rank at the top of Google for a specific keyword
  • Get more 5-star reviews to your social profiles (Yes! This is also part of SEO work)
  • Share knowledge around a specific topic

Defining your goal will influence the type of copy you write, which has a big impact on how your website is found.

For example, if I had a goal to drive awareness around my web design services in the Paris area of France, then I might develop a content page around the keyword phrase "Webflow Paris." And on this page, I would make sure to include a lot of content around Webflow and Paris to help Google understand that I'm both a Webflow designer and living in the Paris area. 

Knowing your SEO goal will guide your language and how you talk about a topic.

Do Free SEO Keyword Research

Having your SEO goal, you should dab your toes into a little SEO keyword research.

Keyword research is the process of identifying the keywords for your website that are relevant to your target audience AND that you have a chance of ranking high in search results.

The better the keywords you can choose, the greater the chance you can see improvements in search rankings faster.

Keyword research can be time-consuming, but if you're just starting, I recommend trying a keyword-focused tool just to get a feeling. UberSuggest is a great SEO tool. It's FREE, less daunting, and inspiring more than anything when just getting into search engine optimization.

Here's a keyword example for me:

  • What do I offer? Webflow SEO and design services
  • Where's my location? Paris
  • What might someone type into Google? Webflow Paris

And look at the keyword recommendation that UberSuggest provided!

 I got a keyword phrase Agence Webflow Paris. And it's not very competitive, meaning that if I created an SEO-optimized web page around agence Webflow Paris, there's a great chance that I can be at the top of search engines.

Write content with SEO basics in mind

So now you have an SEO goal, a keyword to aim for...

The only thing left to do is to write content around that keyword. 

Writing SEO-optimized content is a balance between writing for people and writing for web crawlers that Google users to understand your website content.

And so as write, try to think about what people will be searching for and address those needs. Be the problem solver and you will be relevant to your target audience.

When you're starting with SEO, just make sure to write enough content that Google identifies your page as containing a lot around your keyword phrase.

Some general tips for SEO writing:

  • Make sure keywords are in your title and headings.
  • With links, try to make the text relevant to our keyword.
  • Use variations of the keyword phrase. Google is smart enough to understand language synonyms.
  • Don't keyword stuff. Write for people.
  • Use Webflow's audit tool to ensure that you follow the proper heading structures (H1, H2, H3, .etc) and name your images with keywords in mind.

Bonus SEO for Stronger Headlines

Since we're discussing simple SEO, I thought this quick video about optimizing headers could help too. Use SEO keywords in your headlines because this helps Google understand your page content.

Keep Repeating Your Webflow SEO efforts and Measure Results

SEO is considered a long-term game, and so it can feel disappointing if you don't see yourself at the top of the search immediately.

Don't give up!

The moment you see your site at the top of the search for SEO work you did, it's empowering! All of a sudden, you start feeling like you understand how search engines work and how people navigate the web to find answers to their needs.

This is powerful stuff when it comes to digital marketing.

You can become the best answer!

To help, try to keep an eye on some sort of SEO measurement to see if your effort is having an impact or not. Most professionals will use analytics to see if traffic numbers are increasing to the website.

If you want to keep things, even more, simple, just do a Google search for keywords and see where you rank. If you come across your website on the 3 pages of search results, see if you can update that particular page with more keyword content and get to the 2nd page. 

And as you see progress, you'll get even more pumped up to try new ideas.

Thanks for reading!

And as always, please let me know if this was helpful or if you have any questions!

michael miello, owner of Webodew

This post was written by me, Mike, owner of Webodew. Please feel free to contact me anytime.

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