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Web Designer Rueil-Malmaison

Web Design ❤️ à Rueil-malmaison!

Vous cherchez un designer web professionnel à Rueil-Malmaison ? Contactez-moi pour obtenir des résultats de qualité supérieure, réalisés avec une attention minutieuse aux détails et une dévotion à satisfaire vos besoins.

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Webflow SEO freelancer

Cherche un web designer situé à Rueil-malmaison?

Peut-être un qui parle anglais ? Moi, "The Web Guy", je peux vous aider.

Je m'appelle Mike et je suis un partenaire professionnel Webflow certifié.

J'aide à lancer et à maintenir de beaux sites Webflow adaptés à vos spécifications. Votre site Web est votre visage sur le monde, il doit donc refléter la personnalité unique de votre entreprise. Dans le même temps, avec Webflow, vous pouvez vous assurer que votre site Web est conçu pour offrir une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle afin que les clients puissent facilement trouver ce dont ils ont besoin.

Webflow specifics I can help with:

Webflow Development

With Webflow, I can turn Webflow websites fast and test the responsiveness to make sure your website works well on all devices.

Webflow SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

If you stumbled across this page, them my SEO knowledge is working. Over the years, SEO has become part of my web development DNA. Plus, I'm an SEO instructor at OpenClassrooms.

Animated Interactions

Animations draw user’s attention and keeps them on your site longer. I’ll set up Webflow animations to bring your website to higher level of attractiveness.

3rd-Party Integration with Webflow

From 3rd-party form software, booking calendars, to web shops, I can help you integrate your needed tools for the job.

Webflow Training

Should your team want to learn how to manage their Webflow website, I’d be delighted to help. I love to teach.

With Webflow, you get tons of website value + no tech headaches.

Webflow is the website design tool for designers that understand the fundamentals of proper website structure. Rather than asking a developer to "code up" a design mockup, I can simply use their website builder tools to develop the website myself at the quality of an expensive web developer. Plus, I'm pretty good at SEO as I'm an instructor.

Clean code. Optimized. Responsive for all screen sizes. Secure. Readable for search engines. (SEO)

I'm able to achieve all this, quick quickly and straight-forwardly.

This is a huge cost and time saver. You work directly and only with me, thereby eliminating hiring additional developers and getting more one-to-one time with me. I build what you need, I challenge questionable assumptions and clients really enjoy that we can do design tweaks on the spot.

Webflow advantages I love

Creative flexibility

No need to be boxed into a template that looks like everyone else. We can design a website unique to you and turn it into a beautiful, responsive website

Easy to manage

You should update your website as your business develops. Webflow has a super simple interface to make changes. Normally without 15 minutes of guidance, my clients understand how to modify their text and images.

100% hosted & maintained by Webflow

Webflow's hosting is one of the best I've used. It's super fast, haven't ran into downtime issues, and secure from threats. Your site is protected 24/7.

Optimized for search engines

As an SEO instructor and specialist, what I love about Weblfow is that I can control the structure of pages. This means I can define important SEO components like headings, meta-data and content setup.

first Impressions Matter in business.

The last thing you need is your website giving the wrong impression.

Here's a free guide covering 5 major website areas that influence people's perceptions of your business and how you can make changes today!

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5 things your website should cover book cover